Declaration of Compliance with the Policy on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains
To customers and stakeholders:
本公司响应RCI(责任钴业倡议)组织的倡议,落实其三大目标;遵循其提倡的三大国际标准:即CCCMC(五矿化工进出口商会)主导建立的《中国负责任矿产供应链尽责管理指南》和《中国对外矿业投资行业社会责任指引》标准,OECD(经合组织)主导建立的《国际经合组织对最恶劣的童工的保护》标准;不使用第1类风险区域的矿产, 控制并持续改善使用第2类风险区域的矿产,优先选择非第1类和非第2类风险区域的矿产;优先使用国际上公开的合法矿产清单,如领导品牌在其社会责任报告中公布的合法矿产工厂清单;推动与当地政府、民间组织及受影响的当地社区开展合作,采取行动和/或支持相关行动,共同推动改善。
We commit to implement the three goals proposed by RCI (Responsible Cobalt Industry Initiative); to comply with the three international standards it advocates: i.e. the Chinese Due Diligence Guidelines for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains and Chinese Guidelines for Social Responsibility in Outbound Mining Investments, and OECD Practical Action for Worst Forms of Child Labor (WFCL) in Mining established by OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development); to not use minerals from Class 1 risk areas, and to control and continuously improve the use of minerals from Class 2 risk areas, and to preferentially use minerals from any area other than Class 1 and Class 2 risk areas; to preferentially use minerals from the internationally published list of legal minerals, for example, minerals from the list of legal mines published by leading brands in their CSR reports; to promote cooperation with the government, non-government organizations and affected local communities and take action and/or provide support to jointly promote improvements.
For details, please refer to the attachment: Supply Chain Policy of Responsible Mineral.
Name of company: Zhejiang Greatpower Cobalt Materials Co., Ltd.
Legal representative: Mr. Wang Hongzhong
Date of publication: 2024.08.01
Supply Chain Policy of Responsible Mineral